The 5th Book Of Strangers album
I Play Piano (Maitland)
Lord, love me. Lend me your hand
I play piano in a pick-up band
Lord, listen. I don't ask much
I'm just a singer in a second hand tux
Lord, give me a sign
Maybe I'm a great man, ahead of his time
Oh, anything's fine
I make productions on a production line
Jesus, do good for me
Or just a fairy on a Christmas tree?
While you were out I came to your house
But the doors were locked to keep the sinners out
Yeah, came to your house
But the music they made, it was not for me.
Came to your house
But the songs they sang stuck in my throat
Lord, love me. Lend me your hand
I play piano in a pick-up band
Phil McDonnell - Vocals, Keyboards, String arrangements, Hand claps
Tim Palmer - Guitars, Hand claps